Covid-19 Policy

Have concerns about COVID-19 and visiting our clinic? Read our policy below. Our office is taking additional steps to keep you and your families safe:

We're working to minimize spread of COVID-19 in the workplace and community by: daily health screening for both employees and visitors; supporting testing of symptomatic employees; adopting physical and operational changes to accommodate distancing; providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE); adequate cleaning and disinfection of common areas; and encouraging and facilitating COVID-19 vaccination.

For more information on preventing and responding to COVID-19 in the workplace, refer to Center for Disease Control and Prevention Guidance for Businesses and Employers Responding to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)(

For employees or customers who have tested positive for COVID-19:

When daily COVID-19 health screening identifies an employee with symptoms, or they call in sick, the employee should contact their health care provider and get tested for COVID-19. The employee should then stay isolated at home and away from others until test results are available. The employee who tests negative:

▪ May return to work when symptoms improve. The employee who tests positive for COVID-19 can return when return-to-work (RTW) criteria are met:

▪ Symptomatic employees should stay isolated at home and away from others until all three of these are true:

▪ Symptoms have improved; AND

▪ It has been 10 days since symptoms started; AND

▪ They have been fever-free for at least 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medications)

▪ Asymptomatic employees who test positive after travel, an exposure, or routine surveillance testing should isolate at home for 10 days from their test date.

No medical exam or additional testing is necessary to clear employees for work once they meet the RTW criteria.


Thank you for taking the time to educate yourself on how to minimize the spread of COVID-19. By taking small, meaningful precautions, together as a community we can get through this.

Last Updated: August 3, 2021

Rest easy, your beloved friend is in safe hands.