Flea and Deworming Treatment

Flea control

Unfortunately, fleas are a common problem and once you have a flea infestation, it can be very difficult to get rid of the problem. These blood sucking parasites cause a multitude of problems for your pets from skin allergies to anemia. They can also carry worms and may even bite you! The really difficult thing about fleas is that the flea larvae and pupae can live in the house for up to 18 months which will provide a reservoir for infestation if not treated appropriately.

We strongly recommend prevention of flea infestations and we will help you determine the best flea prevention program for your pet. We have a variety of excellent products to suit different pets and owners. In general, we recommend a monthly or 3-month tablet to prevent flea and tick infestations.

Deworming/Heartworm Prevention

Regular worming treatment will keep your pet worm-free and the humans in your house safe. Cats and dogs pick up worms from their mothers, other pets, eating slugs and snails and by coming into contact with the feces of other animals. There are several types of worms that will cause disease ranging from weight loss to severe life-threatening diarrhea. Roundworm and some types of tapeworm can be passed on to people, particularly children, and can cause disease and even blindness.

Another worm of significance for dogs is the lungworm. There have been more incidences of lungworm over the last few years with a related increase in fatalities. Symptoms range from coughing and pneumonia, to diarrhea and vomiting - or the blood not being able to clot and subsequent strokes and neurological problems. We offer comprehensive protection against worms for cats and dogs and generally recommend:

  • Monthly treatment with a de-worming tablet up to six months of age
  • Subsequent de-worming every three months

The worming drugs we recommend are only available from a veterinary surgery and are far more effective than those you can buy in a pet shop and supermarkets. If you need help giving a worming or flea treatment we are more than happy to do this for you.

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Main Office
+1 (320) 695 2513

321 W Broadway
PO Box 323
Browns Valley, MN 56219

Hours: 8 AM-5PM Monday-Friday

Rest easy, your beloved friend is in safe hands.